Extreme Experiences
An understanding of extreme experiences starts with an overview of a scalable atomic system and solar system. The atomic system is comprised of constantly moving particles and the solar system is comprised of constantly moving planets. Both systems have immense forces moving and holding them together. That is why it’s incredibly difficult to split up an atom or split up a solar system. And even if you can split them, then the rest of that system would continue to function without being affected. That is why these two systems are not only scalable but are also physically efficient and stable. The existence of these complex systems cannot be accidental and is therefore a designed condition.
Sandwiched between the atomic and solar systems are the botanical and biological systems. Both systems are not scalable. Both systems are inefficient and unstable. While the botanical system is slightly physically inefficient and unstable, the biological system is immensely physically and cognitively inefficient and unstable. These are vulnerabilities for both systems and they exist for a purpose. The system vulnerabilities are actually required so that life and the choices within it can exist. The mechanism for this involves randomness and risk; wherein the nature of randomness is one of being inefficient and the nature of risk is one of being unstable. So the greater the inefficient randomness and unstable risk of a system the greater its vulnerabilities. In turn, the greater the vulnerabilities within the system, the more diversity of life and choices can exist within that system. The paradox is that the vulnerabilities of the botanical and biological systems can only exist because they are sandwiched between, and dependent on, the security of the atomic and cosmological systems to support them. The existence of these complex systems working together cannot be accidental and is therefore a designed condition.
Within the biological system, the more advanced and complex the biological bodies are the more inefficient and unstable they are. Since humans are the most advanced and complex biological bodies, means that humans are the most physically inefficient and unstable. Additionally, biological bodies also have emotion attached to their functions. Emotion ranges from love to hate, elation to fear, desire to disgust, attraction to repulsion and everything in between. The more advanced and complex the biological bodies are, the greater their range and intensity of emotion. In turn, the greater the range and intensity of emotion, the more inefficient and unstable biological bodies are. Since humans are the most advanced and complex biological bodies, with nearly unlimited range and intensity of emotion, means that humans are the most physically inefficient and unstable. So humans are then the most extreme biological constituents within the most extreme, physical and emotional, inefficient and unstable state. This extreme state of vulnerability gives humans the perception that their existence is completely accidental. But it is not; it’s just the most complex sub-system. This is why human existence cannot be accidental and is therefore also a designed condition. (Deeper dive into the new physics causality model of emotion.)
So if human existence is a designed condition then why do humans have to exist in this state of the most extreme vulnerabilities? As mentioned before, vulnerabilities are required for life and the choices within it to even exist. So the most extreme vulnerabilities allow humans to have the benefit of having the most extreme diverse physical bodies and cognitive minds within all of life. In turn, humans then have the most extreme diversity of physical and cognitive choices to achieve the most extreme diversity of experiences. Consequently, humans are constantly being pushed by their emotion and intuition to experience outcomes from the most extreme love/attraction/cooperation to the most extreme hate/repulsion/conflict and everything in between. The push for extreme experiences is not an option. It is not something humans overcome through peaceful thinking in group-reflection or talk through in ‘conflict resolution’ therapy. It’s a designed condition for humans to continually and endlessly to be pushed/pulled by their emotion and intuition to both extremes that are not in their own Self-interest.
To better understand and control this paradigm is one of the reasons why the ITP (Innovative Thinking Process) Course was created. The foundation of the ITP is based on the disciplines of ideation, meditation and stoicism. This empowers the ITP participant become Self-aware of their intelligence, emotion and intuition as being separate mind components that can be used tools. But even more importantly, the ITP pushes the human to become aware of and gain clarity on their life’s personal purpose. When that happens, humans can intentionally make choices (cognitive then physical) that serve their Self-interest purpose rather than unintentionally make choices that lead them into counterproductive extreme experiences. This higher awareness level of purpose within human existence is going to quickly facilitate a state of awareness that will allow you to start mastering the full Self-control of your choices within a designed condition that otherwise is constantly pushing you, and everyone around you, to extremes.